Saturday 5 August 2023
Tournament starts at noon; be here around 11:30

Hoofdstraat 57, Noordbroek
René & Erin Goedhart’s house

Let’s Go!

We’re setting up the tables, pulling out the boards, and playing in the sunshine (or in the house, if it’s a wet afternoon).

Players and their families are also welcome to stay and enjoy a barbecue and some beers to celebrate your success (or console yourself for your lack thereof). There are also plenty of board games…

RSVP below and we’ll send you more info. There’s only room for 16 players, so don’t wait!

If you have questions, you can email us at

I’ll add players to the list as registrations arrive, so keep checking this page to see your opponents.

REGISTERED PLAYERS (as of 24/7/23)

René Goedhart, 2 dan
Guus Jurcka, 1 kyu
Jan Derksen, 6 kyu
Herman Hiddema, 4 dan
Reijer van der Zande, 4 kyu
Bart Slijkhuis, 3 kyu
Sandra Vos, 11 kyu
Ben Van den Berg, 3 kyu
Fred Mertens, 3 kyu